Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Dump GoDaddy Day Dec. 29 Declared by Reddit User [VIDEO] (Mashable)

[brightcove video="1347944471001 " /] Reddit user SelfProdigy has declared Dec. 29 Dump GoDaddy Day, following the domain registrar's short-lived public support for the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). Although GoDaddy has announced that it no longer supports SOPA, the site is still facing the backlash from its initial position.

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SEE ALSO: Stop Online Piracy Act: What You Need to Know [INFOGRAPHIC]

Despite the public reversal in a press release, Dump GoDaddy Day is quickly spreading among the Reddit community.

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The domain registrar reportedly lost 20,000 accounts in a single day following the SOPA outcry, but only time will tell how many accounts they will lose.

This story originally published on Mashable here.


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