Sunday, February 17, 2013

Video: Pistorius? family refutes murder charges

>> reporter: in south africa turned to their televisions tonight to watch the young woman who was shot to death allegedly at the hands of famed olympic runner oscar pistorius . two days after the killing the pistorius family had more to say about that shooting. nbc's michelle kusinski is in south africa tonight.

>> reporter: oscar pistorius 's family today strongly disputed this was murder and tonight here a production company decided to air the fir segment of the television show his girlfriend had starred in and was excited about. you fall in love with being in love with love. just want love everywhere.

>> reporter: this is a first look at model reeva steenkamp's first television show . to say she was happy about it doesn't begin to describe it but now to see and hear someone now gone who was only days ago savoring life. i don't have any regrets. i don't. i take home with me so many amazing memories and things that are in here and that are in here that i'll treasure forever. i think the way that you go on, not just your journey in life but the way you go out and your exit is so important. you either made an impact in a positive or negative way. she was like the mommy. always making sure everyone is okay and she was fun.

>> reporter: a friend says she had been dating oscar pistorius for several months and was excited about that and about valentine's day. today members of pistorius 's family visited him in jail as did lawyers where he is being closely monitored. his uncle spoke. our entire family is devastated. we are in a state of total shock especially about the tragic death of reeva who we have all got to know well and cared for deeply over the last few months. oscar, as you can imagine, is also numb with shock and grief. there is no doubt here there is no substance for the allegations and that the state's own case, including its own forensic evidence, strongly refutes any possibility of a premeditated murder .

>> reporter: it has been a shock to many especially seeing reeva in life on television screens. it's so sad. one minute she's there the next she is gone. just always make sure you're true to yourself and i'm going to miss you all so much. i love you very, very much.

>> reporter: tragic for all involved. the sto pistorius had big plans for his future too. he was continuing to train and was set to launch a foundation for children that he was excited about. now all this quite possibly has altered the course of his life as well. lester? michelle kusinski in south africa .


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