Thursday, March 7, 2013

Your views on crime and antisocial behaviour | UoP News

Give your opinions on crime and antisocial?behaviour in Portsmouth and help to make the city you live in safer.

Last year, the Safer Portsmouth Partnership (SPP) was delighted to get students? views for the first time and now want to gain a better view of University?students? relationship to antisocial behaviour.

This small project represents an efficient way of providing a sample of students? views which will allow SPP to focus on improving the quality of life for all students in Portsmouth.

Your views are extremely important as they will be used by the council in planning for community safety.

None of the questions will ask for sensitive information such as your address or any particular experience?and?will focus on the perception of crime and antisocial behaviour, and not about the perpetration of crime and antisocial behaviour.

  • The questionnaire only?takes?five minutes to complete
  • No personal identification is required ensuring anonymity of all participants
  • No IP address will be recorded and all data will be secured and stored in a safe location in accordance with the Data Protection Act
  • This data will not be used for marketing or any other commercial purpose

The survey can be completed here:?

You can leave at any point during this questionnaire. If you wish to skip a question then please click in the next button at the bottom of the page.



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