Thursday, October 11, 2012

Don't Blow Up With Stress! | Gnet Health and Fitness

Stress ? a factor increasingly invading our daily lives, particularly in the modern world where the fast pace and multiple pressures of life go hand in hand with this unwanted aggravation. Whether attributed to relationships, job pressures, or money worries and such like, stress can be a killer.

What you may not realise, however, is that it could also be behind your weight gain ? studies revealing that the two are in fact linked! Basically, chronic stress increases production of stress hormones which tell your brain to eat something pleasurable (normally sugary or fatty), whilst also reducing fat cell burning capacity, promoting weight gain!

Control Your Angst ? And Your Weight!

Whilst we can always try to master the art of relaxation and minimise stress, one of the certainties of life is that everything doesn?t always go to plan! We are often faced with issues and challenges, some of which will inevitably cause stress ? and the accompanying craving for comfort foods that can add kilos ? something else to stress about!

?ReloraMax? is a natural dietary supplement that apparently provides both stress relief and weight control, claiming to:

  1. Reduce stress.
  2. Ease anxiety.
  3. Help with weight loss.
  4. Reduce negative feelings.
  5. Curb stress-related eating.
  6. Use all-natural ingredients.

Relax With Relora?

ReloraMax reportedly uses a safe all-natural formula that works to reduce stress levels and control stress-related eating (helping to prevent the associated weight gain) ? without the sedation effect of other supplements. It also apparently regulates hormone levels linked to stress-induced eating and weight gain.

The main ingredient: Relora ? made from a blend of Magnolia Officinalis Bark Extract in combination with extract of Phellodendron Amurense Bark. Relora is believed to help control stress-related symptoms, such as restlessness, poor sleep, concentration difficulties, tension, irritability, and emotional ups and downs.

A clinical trial conducted on overweight women prone to over-indulging when stressed revealed no significant weight gain and some weight loss, as well as a notable reduction in anxiety scores. It also demonstrated that Relora reduced stress-related snacking on unhealthy foods by 76% in those who admitted to stress-induced comfort-eating. The normalization of stress hormone levels is what appears to help subjects maintain body weight.


Those who have tried ReloraMax certainly attest to the product?s abilities, with favourable reviews easy to come by, including all three featured on Amazon and listed below:

The Difference Is Astounding!

Works VERY well. Bought this after a recommendation from a friend (she saw it on Dr. Oz) and wow, it truly works. We are on day 5 and the difference is astounding: night and day. If you need an herbal supplement to help decrease stress levels (or handle stress better), this is for you! Worth every penny of $45 ;)

? Alison C. Peters, Amazon customer who awarded the product Five Stars.?
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Works Without Side-Effects!

I was taking 50 mg of Zoloft, but wanted to stop because I thought it was keeping me from thinking as clearly. After being off of it totally for 6 days, I started experiencing some anxiety again. So I started taking 2 capsules of Relora Max daily, and it seems to be working.

? iandks great mom, another Amazon customer who gave the product Five Stars.?
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I Love This Stuff!

I love this stuff. I used to be in prescription for years and decided to switch to something more natural. I have been on this for 6 months and feel the same way I did on prescription.

? Sammie, Amazon customer that also rated the product Five Star.?
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Take one capsule in the morning and one capsule in the evening. You should take the supplement with food, though not other stimulants such as caffeine.

Stay Tranquil, Stay Trim!

If stress is getting the better of you, making you reach for crisps, cakes, cookies and other tasty yet unhealthy treats for temporary relief, then you might want to take care, as it could also provoke unwanted weight gain ? guaranteed to make you feel even worse! A far better idea would be to try a safe herbal supplement proven to work well for others prone to the effects of stress, it may be just the thing to help you relax and feel more in control of your emotions ? and your waistline!

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