Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Nimble Goes After Salesforce, Wants To Be The ?Pandora Of Contacts?

Jon-Ferrara_largeJon Ferrara?thinks Salesforce is doing it wrong when it comes to social.?The founder of Goldmine, a CRM company he sold for $100 million nearly a decade ago, is attacking the market a different way with his latest startup, Nimble. "We are effectively Salesforce but social," he says, taking a jab at what is now the 800-pound gorilla. Salesforce would counter that it has Chatter?and Radian6, but punching up is always a good way to get noticed (just ask Marc Benioff, who became a billionaire tussling with Microsoft and Oracle). Ferrara just hired away the product director who made Chatter Mobile, Jason McDowall, who will now head up the team building Nimble's mobile apps.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/SmLnOmp8w3o/

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