Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sixty-Five Percent of Business Travelers in Greater Philadelphia Say ...

Sixty-Five Percent of Business Travelers in Greater Philadelphia Say Non-Stop Flights are Extremely Important

Thomas Morr, president & CEO of Select Greater Philadelphia

(PRWEB) August 20, 2012

Sixty-five percent of business air travelers in Greater Philadelphia say that non-stop flights are extremely important according to a survey conducted by Select Greater Philadelphia and the CEO Council for Growth. Among these business travelers, Tokyo, Japan and Orange County, California are the most desired new non-stop international and domestic business destinations respectively from Philadelphia International Airport.

?We?re excited about the responses to this important survey and we value everyone?s feedback,? said Philadelphia International Airport Chief Executive Officer Mark Gale. ?The results of this exercise will help us build the business case in targeting additional non-stop domestic and international destinations from Philadelphia, and further our mission as a world-class airport.?

Domestic destinations desired by business travelers for non-stop service from PHL were Orange County, CA; Austin, TX; and Honolulu, HI, while internationally Asia was the clear top choice with Tokyo, Japan; and Shanghai and Beijing, China in the top three. Top overall domestic destinations for current travel by business travelers are Chicago, Dallas and Boston.

?We applaud Select Greater Philadelphia and the CEO Council for Growth for conducting this Air Travel Survey,? said John Saler, Chairman, Government & Public Affairs Group of Stradley, Ronon, Stevens &Young, LLP and Chairman of the Philadelphia International Airport Advisory Board. ?The data will help us better understand the current travel needs of those living and/or working in the Greater Philadelphia region.?

For business travelers responding to the survey, both non-stop flight availability and convenient flight times were found to be extremely important. Over half the respondents use their organization?s corporate travel department to make travel arrangements.

?The Philadelphia International Airport is a critically important asset in the Greater Philadelphia region for business travel and to attract leisure visitors, ?said Tom Morr, President & CEO of Select Greater Philadelphia and member of the Philadelphia International Airport Advisory Board. ?This survey helps identify passenger demand for potential new flights in key markets. It is intended to help airlines make more informed choices about where to add flights from PHL.?

Top destinations for current travel by leisure travelers are in the West with Chicago, San Francisco/San Jose and Los Angeles rounding out the top three spots. Top domestic destinations desired by leisure travels for non-stop service from PHL were all warm weather locations domestically with Honolulu, HI; Austin, TX; and Orange County, CA in the top three, while internationally Milan, Italy; Vancouver, Canada; and Sao Paulo, Brazil were among the top choices.

Half or more of survey respondents describing their leisure or personal travel needs ranked price and non-stop flight availability as extremely important factors when booking air travel. Leisure travelers were primarily booking coach class tickets for travel. Over 80% of respondents were heading straight to the airline website to purchase their leisure airfare tickets.

The survey was distributed to members of the business and non-profit communities in Greater Philadelphia. Over 1,000 individuals responded to the survey detailing their personal and business travel needs. The goal of the survey is to use information gathered to assist the Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) in their efforts to seek additional domestic and international air service.

Top Non-Stop Desired International Destinations (Business Travel)

1????Tokyo, Japan

2????Shanghai, China

3????Beijing, China

4????Mumbai, India

5????Milan, Italy

Top Non-Stop Desired Domestic Destinations (Business Travel)

1????Orange County, CA

2????Austin, TX

3????Honolulu, HI

4????San Jose (US), CA

5????San Antonio, TX

Top Non-Stop Desired International Destinations (Leisure Travel)

1????Milan, Italy

2????Vancouver, Canada

3????Sao Paulo, Brazil

4????Tokyo, Japan

5????Buenos Aires, Argentina

Top Non-Stop Desired Domestic Destinations (Leisure Travel)

1????Honolulu, HI

2????Austin, TX

3????Orange County (SNA), CA

4????San Jose (US), CA

5????San Antonio, TX

About Select Greater Philadelphia

Select Greater Philadelphia (Select) is an economic development marketing organization dedicated to attracting companies to the Greater Philadelphia region. Select assists companies interested in the vicinity by providing detailed information about the 11-county area and a one-stop connection to numerous resources that help companies make informed decisions about locating to the region. Through global marketing efforts, Select works to promote the region?s key assets to help build the area?s economy. The Greater Philadelphia region encompasses northern Delaware, southern New Jersey and southeastern Pennsylvania. Select is a private, non-profit organization and an affiliate of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce. For more information, visit or call 215-790-3777. Follow Select on twitter at: @selectgrphila.

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