Friday, November 30, 2012

Malaga faces UEFA action over unpaid player wages


AP Sports Writer

Associated Press Sports

updated 8:50 a.m. ET Nov. 30, 2012

GENEVA (AP) -Champions League contender Malaga is facing UEFA sanctions for failing to pay millions of euros (dollars) of players' wages on time, and will likely have some prize money withheld.

UEFA said Friday that investigators from its Club Financial Control Body have referred Malaga and eight other clubs to the panel's judging chamber.

Malaga, which is owned by a Qatari investor, has reportedly failed to pay players a combined ?9 million ($11.6 million).

The Spanish club has qualified for the last 16 of the Champions League and is due at least ?25 million ($32 million) in prize money, bonuses and a share of Spanish television revenues from UEFA.

UEFA said the judging panel will examine nine clubs who played in this season's Champions League and Europa League whose prize money has been frozen because of unpaid players' wages, transfer fees or social taxes.

Sixteen clubs have been cleared - including defending Europa League champion Atletico Madrid, Sporting Lisbon and Fenerbahce - and will now receive their prize money after being cleared by the UEFA finance monitors.

Investigators "adjudged that the necessary financial requirements had been implemented" by a Sept. 30 deadline, UEFA said in a statement.

UEFA published a list of 23 clubs under investigation in September who owed a combined ?30 million ($38.4 million) in so-called "overdue payables."

Clubs must pay their football and tax debts as a condition of getting a license from their national association to play in UEFA competitions.

Malaga will be joined in the UEFA court by eight Europa League entrants: Bucharest clubs Dinamo and Rapid, Serbian clubs Partizan and Vojvodina, Hajduk Split and Osijek of Croatia, plus Lech Poznan of Poland and Arsenal Kiev of Ukraine. The latter two have been added to the original list of 23 since September.

UEFA has enforced a licensing system for almost a decade, but the rules and potential sanctions have gained a higher profile in the "Financial Fair Play" era.

Since 2011, UEFA has been monitoring clubs' finances more closely and now requires them to aim toward breaking even on their football-related business as a condition of entry for the Champions League and Europa League.

The two competitions have attracted total commercial revenue of almost ?1.6 billion ($2.1 billion) for each season from 2012-15, with most shared among clubs playing in the group stages.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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MoMA | Video Games: 14 in the Collection, for Starters

We are very proud to announce that MoMA has acquired a selection of 14 video games, the seedbed for an initial wish list of about 40 to be acquired in the near future, as well as for a new category of artworks in MoMA?s collection that we hope will grow in the future. This initial group, which we will install for your delight in the Museum?s Philip Johnson Galleries in March 2013, features:

? Pac-Man (1980)
? Tetris (1984)
? Another World (1991)
? Myst (1993)
? SimCity 2000 (1994)
? vib-ribbon (1999)
? The Sims (2000)
? Katamari Damacy (2004)
? EVE Online (2003)
? Dwarf Fortress (2006)
? Portal (2007)
? flOw (2006)
? Passage (2008)
? Canabalt (2009)

Over the next few years, we would like to complete this initial selection with Spacewar! (1962), an assortment of games for the Magnavox Odyssey console (1972), Pong (1972), Snake (originally designed in the 1970s; Nokia phone version dates from 1997), Space Invaders (1978), Asteroids (1979), Zork (1979), Tempest (1981), Donkey Kong (1981), Yars? Revenge (1982), M.U.L.E. (1983), Core War (1984), Marble Madness (1984), Super Mario Bros. (1985), The Legend of Zelda (1986), NetHack (1987), Street Fighter II (1991), Chrono Trigger (1995), Super Mario 64 (1996), Grim Fandango (1998), Animal Crossing (2001), and Minecraft (2011).

Are video games art? They sure are, but they are also design, and a design approach is what we chose for this new foray into this universe. The games are selected as outstanding examples of interaction design?a field that MoMA has already explored and collected extensively, and one of the most important and oft-discussed expressions of contemporary design creativity. Our criteria, therefore, emphasize not only the visual quality and aesthetic experience of each game, but also the many other aspects?from the elegance of the code to the design of the player?s behavior?that pertain to interaction design. In order to develop an even stronger curatorial stance, over the past year and a half we have sought the advice of scholars, digital conservation and legal experts, historians, and critics, all of whom helped us refine not only the criteria and the wish list, but also the issues of acquisition, display, and conservation of digital artifacts that are made even more complex by the games? interactive nature. This acquisition allows the Museum to study, preserve, and exhibit video games as part of its Architecture and Design collection.

As with all other design objects in MoMA?s collection, from posters to chairs to cars to fonts, curators seek a combination of historical and cultural relevance, aesthetic expression, functional and structural soundness, innovative approaches to technology and behavior, and a successful synthesis of materials and techniques in achieving the goal set by the initial program. This is as true for a stool or a helicopter as it is for an interface or a video game, in which the programming language takes the place of the wood or plastics, and the quality of the interaction translates in the digital world what the synthesis of form and function represent in the physical one. Because of the tight filter we apply to any category of objects in MoMA?s collection, our selection does not include some immensely popular video games that might have seemed like no-brainers to video game historians.

Tetris. 1984. Alexey Pajitnov

Tetris. 1984. Alexey Pajitnov

Among the central interaction design traits that we have privileged are:

The scenarios, rules, stimuli, incentives, and narratives envisioned by the designers come alive in the behaviors they encourage and elicit from the players, whether individual or social. A purposefully designed video game can be used to train and educate, to induce emotions, to test new experiences, or to question the way things are and envision how they might be. Game controllers are extensions and enablers of behaviors, providing in some cases (i.e. Marble Madness) an uncanny level of tactility.

Visual intention is an important consideration, especially when it comes to the selection of design for an art museum collection. As in other forms of design, formal elegance has different manifestations that vary according to the technology available. The dry and pixilated grace of early games like M.U.L.E. and Tempest can thus be compared to the fluid seamlessness of flOw and vib-ribbon. Just like in the real world, particularly inventive and innovative designers have excelled at using technology?s limitations to enhance a game?s identity?for instance in Yars? Revenge.

The space in which the game exists and evolves?built with code rather than brick and mortar?is an architecture that is planned, designed, and constructed according to a precise program, sometimes pushing technology to its limits in order to create brand new degrees of expressive and spatial freedom. As in reality, this space can be occupied individually or in groups. Unlike physical constructs, however, video games can defy spatial logic and gravity, and provide brand new experiences like teleportation and ubiquity.

How long is the experience? Is it a quick five minutes, as in Passage? Or will it entail several painstaking years of bliss, as in Dwarf Fortress? And whose time is it anyway, the real world?s or the game?s own, as in Animal Crossing? Interaction design is quintessentially dynamic, and the way in which the dimension of time is expressed and?incorporated?into the game?through linear or multi-level progressions, burning time crushing obstacles and seeking rewards and goals, or simply wasting it?is a crucial design choice.

 flOw. 2006. Jenova Chen and Nick Clark of thatgamecompany

flOw. 2006. Jenova Chen and Nick Clark of thatgamecompany

After which (games), came what?what is a museum to acquire? Working with MoMA?s digital conservation team on a protocol, we have determined that the?first step is to obtain copies of the games? original?software format?(e.g. cartridges or discs) and hardware?(e.g. consoles or computers) whenever possible. In order to be able to preserve the games, we should always try to acquire the?source code in the language in which it was written, so as to be able to translate it in the future, should the original technology become obsolete. This is not an easy feat, though many companies may already have emulations or other digital assets for both display and archival purposes, which we should also acquire. In addition, we request any corroborating technical documentation, and possibly an annotated report of the code by the original designer or programmer. Writing code is a creative and personal process. Interviewing the designers at the time of acquisition and asking for comments and notes on their work makes preservation and future emulation easier, and also helps with exhibition content and future research in this field. Last, but not least, we work out the complex?rights situation?MoMA?s General Counsel is in deep negotiations with the publishers.

SimCity 2000. 1994. Will Wright for Maxis, now part of Electronic Arts, Inc

SimCity 2000. 1994. Will Wright for Maxis, now part of Electronic Arts, Inc

Of course, what we acquire depends on each game, how it is best represented, and how it will be shown in the galleries. If the duration of the game is short enough, the game itself could be made playable in its entirety. For instance, visitors were able to play Passage in its entirety in MoMA?s Talk to Me: Design and the Communication between People and Objects?exhibition not only because it took a mere five minutes, but also because the narrative and message of the game required the player to engage with it for the full length.

For games that take longer to play, but still require interaction for full appreciation, an interactive demonstration, in which the game can be played for a limited amount of time, will be the answer. In concert with programmers and designers, we will devise a way to play a game for a limited time and enable visitors to experience the game firsthand, without frustrations.

With older games for which the original cartridges may be too fragile or hard to find, we will offer an interactive emulation?a programmer will translate the original code, which was designed for a specific platform, into new code that will create the same effect on a newer computer.

In other cases, when the game is too complex or too time consuming to be experienced as an interactive display in the galleries, we will create a video akin to a demo, in which the concept and characters of the game are laid out.

Finally, some of the games we have acquired (for instance Dwarf Fortress and EVE Online) take years and millions of people to manifest fully. To convey their experience, we will work with players and designers to create guided tours of these alternate worlds, so the visitor can begin to appreciate the extent and possibilities of the complex gameplay.

The team behind this acquisition stars MoMA Architecture and Design insiders Kate Carmody and Paul Galloway, but in preparing this research we have sought the advice of numerous people. We could not have done it without their contributions, and thank them wholeheartedly for their generosity, enthusiasm, and time. We will distinguish between RL (you know it, Real Life) and ML (MoMA Life). RL: Jamin Warren and Ryan Kuo of Kill Screen?magazine; design philosopher and game author extraordinaire Kevin Slavin; and Chris Romero of the graduate program in museum studies at New York University. ML: Natalia Calvocoressi, Juliet Kinchin, Aidan O?Connor, and Mia Curran in Architecture and Design; in Graphics, Samuel Sherman; in Audio Visual, Aaron Louis, Mike Gibbons, Lucas Gonzalez, Aaron Harrow and Bjorn Quenemoen; in Information Technology, Matias Pacheco, Ryan Correira, and David Garfinkel; in Digital Media, Allegra Burnette, Shannon Darrough, David Hart, John Halderman, Spencer Kiser, and Dan Phiffer; in Conservation, Glenn Wharton and Peter Oleksik; in General Counsel, Henry Lanman; in Drawings, Christian Rattemeyer; at MoMA PS1, Peter Eleey; in Film, Rajendra Roy, Laurence Kardish, and Josh Siegel; in Media and Performance Art, Barbara London; and in Education, Calder Zwicky.??

We also extend our great thanks to the game companies and designers who donated these important works to MoMA. Without their brave, forward-thinking participation, this project would not have been possible. A great thank you to Tarn Adams, CCP, ?ric Chahi, Cyan Worlds, Electronic Arts, NAMCO BANDAI, NanaOn-Sha, Jason Rohrer, Adam Saltsman, Sony Computer Entertainment, The Tetris Company, thatgamecompany, Valve, and Will Wright.?

Myst. 1993. Rand Miller and Robyn Miller of Cyan Worlds

Myst. 1993. Rand Miller and Robyn Miller of Cyan Worlds


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Rancho Bernardo/4S Ranch Digest ? Issue of Nov. 29, 2012 ...

Planners to meet

Rancho Bernardo Planning Board has been rescheduled for 7 tonight (Thursday) in the Club 21 room at RB Swim & Tennis Club, 16955 Bernardo Oaks Drive. Agenda:

Help RB Library

Locals can help Rancho Bernardo Library while doing their holiday shopping on Barnes & Noble?s website through Friday, Nov. 30.

If making purchases at, check the bookfair order box at the bottom of the payment page during checkout and insert ID number 10926996 for Rancho Bernardo Friends of the Library. Most items are eligible for the program.

Join the council

Residents in the Bernardo Heights, High Country West, Swim & Tennis and Westwood areas who would like to be appointed to the Rancho Bernardo Community Council need to attend the 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 6 meeting. It will be in the Rancho Bernardo Library?s second-floor community room, 17110 Bernardo Center Drive.


Old-fashioned holiday event

Sikes Adobe Historic Farmstead will hold its third annual Festive Farmhouse from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 2 at the adobe, 12655 Sunset Drive, Escondido.

It will include creating decorations like those used by pioneer settlers of the area, such as trimming the Christmas tree with string popcorn, creating paper chains, and making paper or wood ornaments. Refreshments will be served.

Suggested donation is $3. Questions? Contact Anne Cooper at 760-432-8318 or

Holiday open house

State Senator Joel Anderson is hosting a holiday open house for his constituents at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 5 at the DoubleTree, 14455 Penasquitos Drive, Rancho Penasquitos.

During the event, that includes refreshments, Anderson will share his reflection on the past year?s experiences and a legislative update.

RSVPs at or 619-596-3136.

Like fruitcake?

Rancho Bernardo Lions are selling Claxton Fruitcakes from Georgia. They are $4 for a one pound cake and $12 for a box of three cakes.

Purchase at RB Senior Services, 16769 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite K-14 in The Plaza. Proceeds will go to scholarships and community projects.

Euro crisis

Bill Thayer, an expert on the Euro, will speak about the Euro crisis and how it affects Americans at the Thursday, Dec. 6 Rancho Bernardo ?Noon? Rotary Club luncheon meeting. It will be at Bernardo Heights Country Club, 16066 Bernardo Heights Parkway, Rancho Bernardo.

Prospective members are welcome. For details, go to

Sunday fun

The Never Alone On Sunday group is inviting locals to participate in a fun day of games including bridge, canasta, contract gin and mah jong at 1 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 2 and 16 in the Bernardo Heights Clubhouse, 16150 Bernardo Heights Parkway, Rancho Bernardo.

Admission is free, but RSVPs are required by calling Shirley Mallon at 858-451-0065.

Lady Lions to meet

Robert Hardaway will perform songs of yesterday and today at the 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 5 Lady Lions of Rancho Bernardo luncheon meeting. It will be in the Rancho Bernardo Inn, 17550 Bernardo Oaks Drive.

Cost: $22 per person, payable at the door. Contact Flora Kuritsky at 858-334-1333 or

Know your numbers?

Numerologist Mariah Schrokosch will speak at the 1 p.m. Friday, Dec. 7, City of Hope Rancho Bernardo Chapter meeting. It will be in the Rancho Bernardo-Glassman Recreation Center, 18448 W. Bernardo Drive

Cost: $12. RSVP required. Mail check to Enid Harris, 12868 Camino de la Breccia, San Diego, CA 92128. Refreshments will be served. Questions? Contact Flora Kuritsky at 858-334-1333 or

Spread holiday cheer

Bernardo Heights Middle School Parent Teacher Student Association is sponsoring an Adopt a Family program for the holidays. It assists families in Poway Unified School District who need a little help over the holidays.

To make a donation, send checks (payable to BHMS PTSA) or gift cards (like to Wal-Mart, Target and grocery stores) to: BHMS, Attn: Adopt a Family, 12990 Paseo Lucido, San Diego, CA 92128. Questions? Send an email to

Toy drive

Rancho Santa Fe firefighters are holding their annual toy drive to benefit the Toys for Tots program and local children. They are seeking donations of new, unwrapped toys, which can be left at any of the department?s four fire stations including Station No. 2, 16930 Four Gee Road in 4S Ranch. Donations will be accepted through Monday, Dec. 10.

Fido, meet Santa

Escondido Humane Society?s Holiday Boutique will be 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 1 at the animal shelter, 3450 E. Valley Parkway, Escondido.

For $10, pets can meet Santa and have their photo taken with him and their families, who will receive a 4?6 keepsake photo. For an additional $10, they can get a digital file in order to create holiday cards. Additional packages are available upon request.

The holiday boutique and bake sale will offer gourmet gifts for dogs and cats, and homemade presents for people and pets.

For details, call 760-888-2235 or go to

Holiday show

RB Chorale will present its annual holiday show at 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 7 and Saturday, Dec. 8 and 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 9 in the Poway Center for the Performing Arts, 15498 Espola Road.

Tickets: $30 for preferred seating; $20 for general admission; $18 for seniors (55-plus), students (13-18 years) and active duty military; and $5 for children (infants to 12 years). Purchase at

Attendees are encouraged to bring an unwrapped toy for the Marine Corps? Toys for Tots campaign.

Learn about Switzerland

Carolyn Shadle and John Meyer will present ?Sights and Sounds of Switzerland? at the 1:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 14 Rancho Bernardo Travelers meeting in the Seven Oaks Community Center auditorium, 16789 Bernardo Oaks Drive, Rancho Bernardo.

Those over 18 are welcome. Refreshments and door prizes will be offered. Call Dave Donley at 858-451-3964.

Artists wanted

Rancho Bernardo Community Council is seeking artists interested in beautifying the community by painting some SDG&E utility boxes. Those interested must first submit a four-color draft to council for review and approval. For full details, go to

Drivers needed

Would you drive a neighbor to a doctor?s appointment or to the store? Sign up with Rides & Smiles, where volunteers give local seniors rides for appointments and errands.

Drivers receive liability insurance, mileage reimbursement and weekly list of ride requests to select as their schedule permits. Call 858-637-3051.

Hear a siren?

San Diego Fire-Rescue has launched a website at so those in the City of San Diego can see to what type of emergencies the department is responding when they hear sirens. The site is updated every five minutes.

New water times

City of San Diego residents can water their landscaping earlier, starting at 4 p.m. This remains in effect through May 31. Due to cooler weather they are also encouraged to reduce the amount of water used for irrigation.

For information on water conservation and to access the city?s landscape watering calculator, go to or call 619-515-3500.

Protect RB

Rancho Bernardo Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol needs locals, 50 years and older, to join their group that assists San Diego Police Department. Members help prevent crime by serving as SDPD?s ?eyes and ears? and perform non-confrontational tasks so police can perform other law enforcement duties.

RSVP members also patrol the community, help with traffic control, make vacation house checks, visit elderly shut-ins, and make photo and fingerprint ID cards for children.

Members are trained, wear a uniform, use a provided vehicle and volunteer a minimum of three days a month. To join, call 858-538-8146.

Help at school

Local elementary schools are seeking senior volunteers to come to school an hour a week to help a child with reading. No special background is needed. Pick your day, time and school. Contact Jane Radatz at or 858-485-5449 for details.

Are you single?

Rancho Bernardo Singles is holding a membership drive. The club is open to single men and women who live in Rancho Bernardo or adjacent communities. Most members live in the age 55-plus neighborhoods of Oaks North and Seven Oaks.

The club offers a variety of activities. Annual dues are $17. Call Nedra Ward (membership chairwoman) at 858-673-9584.

Free Zumba for seniors

Rancho Bernardo Library is offering free Zumba classes for seniors at 1 p.m. on Fridays in the library?s community room, 17110 Bernardo Center Drive.

Zumba is dance-style exercise done to Latin rhythms. Those who are wheelchair bound can also participate. Call 858-538-8163.

Donate magazines

Pomerado Hospital is seeking used magazines for its waiting rooms and patient magazine cart. Please donate news magazines up to a month old and monthly magazines up to three months old. Bring to the front desk, 15615 Pomerado Road in Poway. Questions? Call 858-613-4659.

Help with harvesting

The Backyard Produce Project is seeking volunteers to harvest residential fruit trees. It is an enjoyable outdoor group activity. Participate at your convenience. All fruit is donated to local families in need. Contact Jane Radatz at or 858-485-5449.

Help needed

Palomar Health is looking for volunteers for its medical facilities. Positions include those with and without patient contact, various locations and duties, and flexible hours.

For details, go to or call 760-739-3081 ext. 3654 for volunteer services at Palomar Medical Center and 858-613-4659 for volunteer services at Pomerado Hospital in Poway.

Flag disposal

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7766 in Rancho Bernardo will pick up worn, torn or badly faded American flags so they can be disposed in a respectful manner. Flags must be removed from poles.

To schedule a free pick-up, contact Mike Vaughn at 619-316-6851 or To purchase a new, high quality, American-made flag, go to

Grief help

San Diego Hospice presents ?Understanding Grief: A Workshop for the Newly Bereaved? for adults recently impacted by a death from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. every Tuesday at the RB Swim & Tennis Club?s Club 21 Room, 16955 Bernardo Oaks Drive in Rancho Bernardo. Call 619-278-6141 or go to

New emergency website

Get critical emergency information on your computer, mobile phone or tablet using San Diego County?s new website, Visitors can also get information about preparedness and recovery, up-to-date maps, shelter locations and social media messages.

Like to write?

Rancho Bernardo Writer?s group is accepting two new members writing a novel, memoir or articles. Members critique each others? work. It meets 9 a.m. to noon every Friday in Rancho Bernardo. Call Peter Berkos at 858-485-7148.

Adopt a doll

Sponsors are needed to provide healing dolls to children at hospitals in San Diego and Jerusalem. The dolls are made by local Aviva Hadassah chapter members and those at Jewish Family Service at Temple Adat Shalom.

Cost: $18 to adopt a doll that will be donated to a child. Dolls are inscribed with a donor?s or honoree?s name. Call Rose Greenberg at 858-487-5882 or go to to adopt a doll or volunteer with the project.

Hospital seeks volunteers

Pomerado Hospital, 15615 Pomerado Road in Poway, is seeking volunteers to help in the emergency room, work in the gift shop, drive the parking lot shuttle, transport patients in wheel chairs, attend to families of patients in surgery and do other interesting jobs. Call? 858-613-4659.

Book bargains

Friends of the Rancho Bernardo Library has book specials from 1-7 p.m. each Wednesday in its Book Shop on the library?s first floor, 17110 Bernardo Center Drive. All books are half the marked price. Call 858-613-3926.

Got news?

News brief submissions need to be received by noon Friday. Items run on a space-available basis. Submit by email at or to Rancho Bernardo News Journal, 14023 Midland Road, Poway, CA 92064.

Provide comfort

Volunteers are needed to knit, crochet or sew afghans or quilts that will be given to local foster children. Call Chris Bodle at 760-480-3412.

Green thumb?

Volunteers are needed to tend a garden near Pomerado Hospital in Poway, growing produce for local families in need. No gardening experience is needed. Shifts are one hour a week on the day of your choice. Contact Jane Radatz at 858-485-5449 or

Help RB?s seniors

Rancho Bernardo Senior Services needs volunteers. Front office volunteers are needed 3.5 hours a day to answer phones, schedule appointments, greet visitors and provide community information. Drivers are needed to deliver hot meals to home-bound individuals who live in Rancho Bernardo.

The office is at 16769 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite K-14. Call Beth Wilson at 858-487-2640.

Be fire-prepared

San Diego County has a website with free information on how property owners can prepare for emergencies, especially wildfire, at

Rotary to meet

Maurice Wilson, co-founder of NVTSI/REBOOT, will talk about high rates of unemployment, homelessness, drug abuse and other issues associated with military-to-civilian reintegration at the 7:15 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 7 Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary Club meeting. It will be held at the Country Club of Rancho Bernardo, 12280 Greens East Road. The speaker will begin at 8 a.m.

The optional breakfast is $15. For details, go to


Rancho Bernardo Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol is looking for new members, who are age 50-plus and available to patrol the community three days a month. Members must pass a background check, are trained and wear a uniform.

Duties include assisting San Diego Police, conducting residential vacation checks, visiting seniors and driving through Rancho Bernardo parking lots including banks, shopping centers, parks and schools. Call 858-538-8146.

Share your harvest

The Backyard Produce Project will collect backyard fruits and vegetables from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. today (Thursday) outside the Seven Oaks Community Center, 16789 Bernardo Oaks Drive in Rancho Bernardo, and The Connection Church, 14047 Twin Peaks Road in Poway.

All produce is donated to local families in need. Questions? Contact Jane Radatz at or 858-485-5449.

Musical entertainment

The Rancho Bernardo High School Madrigals will perform holiday music at the Thursday, Dec. 13 Rancho Bernardo ?Noon? Rotary Club luncheon meeting. It will be at Bernardo Heights Country Club, 16066 Bernardo Heights Parkway, Rancho Bernardo.

Prospective members are welcome. For details, go to

Grand jury 101

Don Glover, a member of the 2011-12 San Diego County Grand Jury, will explain how the grand jury works and summarize some of its key reports at the Thursday, Dec. 20 Rancho Bernardo ?Noon? Rotary Club luncheon meeting. It will be at Bernardo Heights Country Club, 16066 Bernardo Heights Parkway, Rancho Bernardo.

Prospective members are welcome. For details, go to

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Texas Tech Once Again Honored as a Top School for Veterans

Texas Tech University recently was ranked 29th among four-year colleges in the Military Times 2013 ?Best for Vets? list. Texas Tech was selected from more than 650 institutions that responded to a survey from the publication.

According to the Military Times, ?the surveys demonstrated widespread efforts by schools to accommodate vets and active-duty service members.?

In addition to four-year colleges, the Military Times assessed online-nontraditional colleges, two-year colleges and career and technical colleges.

Ryan Van Dusen, associate director for the Texas Tech Military & Veterans Program, said that Texas Tech makes every effort to assist veterans in their academic careers.

?Texas Tech accommodates veterans from the beginning of their collegiate experience through graduation,? Van Dusen said. ?We have implemented veteran sessions during Red Raider Orientation, and provide academic support through Academic College Liaisons and in transition back to the workforce with our Veteran Career Program. All of our efforts are designed to make Texas Tech University more than veteran friendly. We are now a veteran supportive community.?

In the rankings, Texas Tech was recognized specifically for its relaxed residency requirements, accepting American Council on Education credits and for having an office dedicated specifically to veterans. Last year, there were 1,200 military-affiliated students enrolled at Texas Tech.

This is the second time this year Texas Tech has been recognized for its military friendly efforts, after being named to the 2013 list of Military Friendly Schools ? by G.I. Jobs Magazine in September. Juan Munoz, senior vice president for Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Community Engagement, said that these acknowledgments affirm Texas Tech?s commitment to all students.

?Texas Tech is proud of its continuing support of veterans and military dependents that honor the university as students,? Munoz said. ?This recognition of Texas Tech?s efforts in support of veterans and military dependents further affirms its growing national reputation as a top tier institution of higher learning for students of all backgrounds, and most certainly for those who have served their country while in uniform.?


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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Taxing online sales is a bad idea | Idaho Business Review

I heard a rumor today that made me cringe. Rumors usually have a sliver of truth but I hope this one doesn?t. Apparently, the idea of collecting sales taxes from Internet businesses in Idaho is still alive in the Idaho state Legislature. This is a bad idea for several reasons.

First, let?s consider the rationale. The thought is that charging sales tax on Internet businesses will ?level the playing field? for non-Internet companies. That?s ridiculous.

I suppose that in the 1920s when the automobile starting infringing on the sales of saddles, horseshoes and buggy whips we could have leveled the playing field by charging a tax on all automobile sales that subsidized tack shops and blacksmiths. Or we could have legislated that each new car must come with a buggy whip to keep the buggy whip industry alive. But, that would be just as ridiculous.

Second, companies that cry foul because they do not do business online should consider stepping into 2012 and stop running their business like it is 1980. Today, would a florist only sell flowers they get from local growers?? Or rely solely on local sales? Not if they want to stay in business. They buy flowers from growers all over the world. Florists receive orders from national companies that drive sales from of all places, the Internet. The flower business has evolved from the little shop down the street to an international co-op. I suppose we should tax them for morphing the flower industry, changing their business model and providing better service and better products more efficiently than before.

Third, the Internet has fundamentally changed the way we do business. It?s easier, more convenient, provides a huge selection and delivers to your doorstep. This new sales channel can move quickly and adapts well to shifting economies. These companies can literally reach around the world, expanding their customer base and increasing revenue.? We can accept that and create better businesses, or we can try to stifle the innovation to our own demise.

Fourth, the taxing of online businesses should not be done state by state. Legislation at the federal level is already being reviewed to pass sales tax laws that cover every business the same way nationally. State by state sales tax laws make it more difficult and costly for online businesses to do business. Is that a level playing field?

Idaho shouldn?t do anything that would slow this new economy, especially in our own backyard. It should be encouraged, celebrated and welcomed. If anything, the state should be helping small businesses become part of the new economy, not putting roadblocks in the way.

I think a better idea for all Idahoans is to provide resources, classes, training and inspiration to advance every business in the state to become an online competitor. That doesn?t mean giving up their brick and mortar presence, only that they expand their thinking and their sales by joining the Internet community. That same flower shop could develop a Twitter following to share daily deals and special reminders about birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, etc., that increase their exposure, brand and, of course, sales.

There are several good, reputable companies online such as BigCommerce, Magento, Shopify, and Volusion to name a few, that specialize in helping people, even Internet novices, set up and establish an online business. The cost is extremely reasonable, often under $100 a month.

There?s a public service advertisement currently running that encourages students to take the ?Go On? pledge, a campaign to get kids to commit to ?go on? to college and continue their education. I have an idea for another public service advertisement aimed at businesses that are hesitant to moving to the Internet. It?s called, ?Go Online.? Let?s get the state, the chambers of commerce and local universities to promote the movement online and stop trying to maintain the status quo.

It doesn?t surprise me that some legislators support the movement to charge Internet companies sales tax but it surprises me that Idaho would even consider the matter. But like I said, it?s just a rumor.

Don Bush is director of marketing at Kount, a leading provider of fraud prevention technology. Prior to joining Kount, Don was marketing director at CradlePoint, a manufacturer of wireless routing solutions in the mobile broadband industry. Don has worked in hardware and software management for more than 20 years and as a partner in two top technology marketing agencies.


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Fantasy Football weekly challenge week 7

*reminder- you cant use the same player twice. picks must be posted in the THREAD before THURSDAY NIGHT GAME

Bought to you by the CG
Created by Kidman232

Every week each player will be picking 1 quarterback, 1 wr, and 1 rb as their starters for the week. the player with the most points will win the challenge for the week. Players can only select each player one time during the season. so once you use tom brady, you can't pick him again. All picks must be pm'ed to contest guru by the start of the thursday night game or you are out for the week.

Scoring system (no fractional points)

10 rushing yards = 1 point

10 receiving yards = 1 point

25 passing yards = 1 point

touchdown = 6 points

turnover = -2 points

2 point conversion = 2 points

If a player records 69 receiving points, that is 6 points. 70 yards is 7 points. will be used for official stats

Buy in per week 150 ATB points winner takes all of the points and 10 gift card. Must have 8 players to get gift card.

Entry fee is 150 ATB Points For the Final Week. Contest Points Entry Fee Buy In



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Self Improvement | Daily Positive Affirmations for Success

Posted On: Tue, November 27th, 2012 | Comments: 0 | Views 7 | Word Count: 606

What is success?

Human living, ever since evolution has transformed into complex societies through centuries, thereby making the human mind still more complex. Career, earnings and success are part of human living. No human life is possible without an effort to earn a living. This is where success comes to play a big role in our lives. Success is the abstract and objective result of an effort or purpose to accomplish or attain a sustainable living through a plan of human action. Success is a relative term and it varies from person to person in wealth, fame and social status etc.??

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are assertive statements to the subconscious mind to influence speech, behavior, attitude, actions and reactions. They help build up will power. This will power is achieved through self discipline and by nurturing sustainable actions. Positive mindset which is the most powerful life strategy is the basis to attain the required will power. Applying the law of attraction influence mental vibrations for creating positive thoughts and positive vision to achieve the set goals. If you think positively that you can achieve something - you can do it and this is an affirmation to set your path right. All positive adjectives or words or statements are affirmations to your ?self? to trigger the subconscious mind to plunge into positive actions. Success stories are also affirmations to serve as a beacon light to show the direction and help guide you on the path to success.

Why are affirmations required for success?

Human mind never ceases to function as long the human body is alive and it keeps reacting to every physical and mental feeling. It is here that self affirmations help condition the subconscious mind to develop positive perceptions of your ?self?. These self affirmations not only keep all harmful thinking and behavior not to get registered in the mind but they also help undo any damage caused by negative scripts or perceptions. Positive attributes namely, your best qualities, abilities, drive, dynamism and decision making are some of the important affirmations for success and to keep you always strong and steadfast.

How to use affirmations for success?

Successes are an essential aspect of our lives for achieving well being and earn a respectable living. There is no short cut to success. It comes with hard work, commitment, vision and direction. Affirmations truly motivate the morale in you and lead you to success, step by step. You think about your strengths and weakness and while doing so you have to be truly honest, as any falsehood in them would only weaken your self-confidence. Pretence cannot pull any wool over others eyes not to see your weaknesses. Then you have to draw a map of direction duly prioritizing the list of things to work on to reach the goal. Write down all positive attributes and keep a self check on them. You have to maintain a cool temperament in public relations and avoid sending wrong signals to adjudge you as a negative character. The best way to behave in public life is to wear a smile on your face even when encountering an adversary.


?Let no feeling of discouragement prey upon you, and in the end you are sure to succeed.?? Abraham Lincoln

If you are determined to achieve a set goal, no potholes or bottlenecks can stop you. All you have to do is to find ways to overcome them. Disillusionment or discouragement should never enter even in the subconscious mind. And, when they are forced on you, use all your positive affirmations and get rejuvenated. After all ?Success is nothing but getting up one more time after you fall?. ?

Keywords:?Laws Of Attraction,the Laws Of Attraction,daily Affirmation,affirmations,affirmations For Success,the Law Of Attraction,


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How Amazingly Convenient: Lefties 'Discover' That Susan Rice Has 'Conflict of Interest' Energy Investments

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Source: --- Wednesday, November 28, 2012
In what would appear to be a sure sign that the Obama administration's leftist allies, perhaps with the President's go-ahead, are preparing to throw current U.N. ambassador Susan Rice under the bus, Alex Guillen at the Politico reported at 6:14 p.m. on information that has from all appearances been public information for at least three months , but which the National Resources Defense Council's On Earth blog ?noted about an hour earlier. Rice's offenses? She "holds significant investments in more than a dozen Canadian oil companies and banks that would stand to benefit from expansion of the North American tar sands industry and construction of the proposed $7 billion Keystone XL pipeline." That's indeed troubling, but it was just as troubling when leftists up to and including the editorialists at the Washington Post were accusing anyone objecting to Rice's potential nomination of being presumptively racist. Excerpts from Guillen's report follow the jump (bolds are mine): read more ...


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Nude Protesters Storm Boehner's Office - Business Insider

A group of nude protesters barged into House Speaker John Boehner's Washington office Tuesday afternoon, according to several reporters who were in the office at the time of the protest.?

BuzzFeed reporter Chris Geidner, who was tweeting from the scene, reports that the protesters were demonstrating against budget cuts to federal funding to fight AIDS, and entered the office chanting: ?Boehner, Boehner, don?t be a dick. Budget cuts will make us sick."?

According to his tweets, three female protesters have been arrested by Capitol Police for indecent exposure.

Geidner also tweets this photo of the mayhem (we've blurred out the NSFW parts):

Twitter / @chrisgeidner


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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Yale College Successful Open Evening

Yale College students and staff welcomed a record number of visitors to the College for their open evening which began with Christmas tree light switch on by Entry Level learner, Jason Coles with The Principal and Carol Singing by Yale Choir and Performing Arts students.

The well attended advice event was advertised on local radio by Yale learners Lewis Owen, Joshua Collins, Alys Jones, Beth Parry and Lexi Jakk studying for their ?Agored Certificate in Radio Broadcasting?.

Student ambassadors welcomed learners to both campuses of Yale College from throughout the region to launch their full-time course prospectus for 2013-14 entry. Shuttle buses ran between campuses offering an opportunity to view the College?s outstanding facilities and attend workshops and demonstrations.

Course guidance and student support information as well as Yale?s highly regarded careers advisors were on hand to help students choose from the wonderful array of opportunities offered by the College which will formally merge with Deeside College in August 2013.

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Infected and unaware: HIV hitting America's youth

CHICAGO (Reuters) - More than half of young people in the United States infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, are not aware of it, according to a new report by government health officials that zeroes in on one of the remaining hot spots of HIV infection in America.

Released on Tuesday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the report found young people ages 13 to 24 account for 26 percent of all new HIV infections in the United States.

"The data are stark and worrying," Dr. Kevin Fenton, director of the National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD and TB Prevention at the CDC, said in a telephone interview.

In 2010, 72 percent of the estimated 12,000 new HIV infections in young people occurred in young men who have sex with men, and nearly half of new infections were among young, black males.

"We are particularly concerned about what is happening with HIV among young black and bisexual men," Fenton said.

"They account for 39 percent of all new infections among youth and more than half of new infections among young men who have sex with men."

Fenton said the proportion of young people infected with HIV has remained relatively stable during the last few years, but infection rates appear to be increasing in these populations.

And because many of the newly infected gay or bisexual males are just beginning to explore their sexuality, stigma and homophobia are making HIV testing and treatment far more challenging.

Only 22 percent of sexually active high school students in the United States have ever been tested for HIV, and only 35 percent of people ages 18 to 24 have been tested.

According to the report, which looked at risk behaviors among high school students in 12 states and in nine large urban school districts, young gay and bisexual men are significantly less likely to use condoms, they are more likely to drink alcohol or use drugs before sex, and they are more likely to have four or more partners during their lifetime compared with young men who had sex only with females.

And because so few get tested, HIV infected people under age 25 are significantly less likely than those who are older to get and stay in care, and to have their virus controlled at a level that helps them stay healthy and reduce their risk of transmitting HIV to partners.

CDC also found that many young men who have sex with men are less likely than others to have been taught about HIV or AIDS in school.

To address some of the issues, the CDC is funding a program that targets both the at-risk youths and the homophobia and stigma in the community that drives them underground.

In September, Georgia, a state where new HIV infections among those 13 to 24 years old exceed the national average - accounting for as many as one-third of all new HIV infections - won a grant as part of a pilot project to find better ways of targeting these at-risk youth.

"We think that it's really critical that the discussions we have about HIV prevention and access to HIV become fully integrated into the social fabric of the youth culture," Dr. Melanie Thompson of the Georgia Department of Public Health said in a telephone interview.

The Care and Prevention in the United States (CAPUS) project is a three-year program led by the CDC and other government agencies aimed at reducing HIV and AIDS among racial and ethnic minorities in the United States.

The program focuses on addressing social, economic, clinical and structural factors influencing HIV health outcomes.

"We are just beginning," Thompson said, adding that the program would focus specifically on the lives of young men who have sex with men and the barriers to testing and treatment.

To address stigma and bullying in the community, the program would feature training in which straight leaders in the faith community, business leaders, and entertainers learn about stigma and how it affects HIV in their community.

"It is a huge challenge, but I think if we do this from the point of view of trying to end an epidemic that is decimating our young people, and do it in a way that is science-based, I think we can make progress," she said.

(Reporting by Julie Steenhuysen; Editing by Maureen Bavdek)


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PFT: Ray Lewis could be back by Week 15

Atlanta Falcons v Philadelphia EaglesGetty Images

Todd Bowles might not be able to fix the Eagles defense, but at least give him credit for accurately analyzing the situation.

The Eagles replacement coordinator described last night?s numerous coverage busts as ?a messed-up situation,? as succinct and accurate a description as possible.

Of course, that?s also another way of saying it?s the players? fault and not his own, but that?s beside the point.

?The first one was high school cover-3,? Bowles said, via Sheil Kapadia of ?The ball was thrown down the middle of the field. We gave up a touchdown. Inexcusable. The second one was inexcusable too.?

Of course, the all-alone touchdown to Panthers tight end Gary Barnidge was just one of the problems, as free receivers were running downfield all night.

?The second long one was a bust,? Bowles said. ?It was inexcusable. Shouldn?t have happened. Everybody knew where they were supposed to be. They weren?t there.?

Asked why it was happening, Bowles replied: ?I wish I could tell you.

?They can?t happen. Not at this level, not at this stage of the game, not after what we?ve been through. And everybody has to own up to their responsibility.?

Of course, bad players poorly coached is one possible explanation.

In the five games since Bowles went from secondary coach to coordinator (after Juan Castillo was offered up), the results have been ridiculous.

The Eagles have allowed 75.2 percent completions, for 9.7 yards per attempt, with 13 touchdowns and no interceptions. Castillo?s defense led the league in opponents? completion percentage (52.3).

The entire Eagles organization has reached the ?what good?s it going to do? stage, and players said wholesale changes aren?t going to fix it.

?You stick with those people or those groups and you coach them harder,? cornerback Nnamdi Asomugha said. ?And those players obviously have to take it more ? I don?t want to say seriously because they?re taking it seriously ? but obviously have to be mentally focused a little bit more than they have been.

?Obviously what Todd has done, I?ve supported, we support. There?s some things that mentally we need to be sharper on.?

Either that, or do what Bowles is doing, and create an alibi to offer your next employer.


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DR Congo's M23 rebel leader heads to Uganda for withdrawal talks

M23's reported connections with Uganda and Rwanda complicate a resolution in eastern Congo.

By Arthur Bright,?Staff writer / November 26, 2012

A woman carries her child in Minova, some 28 miles west of Goma November 26, 2012. Congo said on Sunday it would not negotiate with M23 rebels in the east until they pulled out of the city of Goma, but a rebel spokesman said Kinshasa was in no position to set conditions on peace talks.

Goran Tomasevic/REUTERS


The leader of the Congolese rebel group M23, which sacked the city of Goma a week ago, is set to meet officials in neighboring Uganda for negotiations over the group's withdrawal. But various reports indicate that M23 is operating under the auspices of the Rwandan government, suggesting that a resolution to the immediate crisis may require international pressure as well.

Skip to next paragraph Arthur Bright

Europe Editor

Arthur Bright is the Europe Editor at The Christian Science Monitor.? He has worked for the Monitor in various capacities since 2004, including as the Online News Editor and a regular contributor to the Monitor's Terrorism & Security blog.? He is also a licensed Massachusetts attorney.

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An M23 spokesman told Reuters that Col. Sultani Makenga, leader of M23, will meet with Ugandan defense chief Aronda Nyakayirima in the capital of Kampala on Monday to discuss M23's withdrawal from Goma. The Ugandan military could not immediately confirm M23's claim to Reuters, but stated that such negotiations were ongoing.?

"I am not aware of his arrival but I wouldn't be surprised if he were here because meetings have been going on and since Aronda has been tasked to coordinate the withdrawal (from Goma) he would need to talk to him (Makenga)," military spokesman Felix Kulayigye said.

Reports indicate that M23 and Congolese officials met on Sunday as well. The Associated Press writes that Ugandan Defense Minister Crispus Kiyonga said he was overseeing negotiations between the two sides, and Rene Abandi, M23's head of external relations, told AP that M23 representatives attended a two-hour meeting with Congolese President Joseph Kabila and Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni on Sunday, a day after a regional summit in Uganda that called upon M23 to withdraw from Goma. The DR Congo government denies involvement in any negotiations.

The resolution of the situation in eastern Congo is complicated due to the M23's connections with both Uganda and Rwanda. A United Nations report released last week asserts that both countries are providing support to the rebels, with the Rwandan military in active command of the group. AP writes that both Rwanda and Uganda have repeatedly denied supporting the M23 movement and have faced little international criticism over the allegations, but the report is apt to increase pressure on both countries.

The highly anticipated report from the U.N. Group of Experts said both Rwanda and Uganda have "cooperated to support the creation and expansion of the political branch of M23 and have consistently advocated on behalf of the rebels. M23 and its allies include six sanctioned individuals, some of whom reside in or regularly travel to Rwanda and Uganda."


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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Proving that you are in pain

Your pain is real, but it?s hard to prove. People react differently to pain. Our thresholds are different and pain can affect us in varying ways. It?s not easy to measure in any objective way. We?ve seen two people with similar injuries have very different pain reactions. One worker with a shoulder injury might recover in a few months and get back to work, while another might never recover.

One key to proving pain is having medical testimony that backs up your claims. Your treating physician?s opinion on your pain can make all the difference. Being honest and communicating well with your doctor is important. One of the worst things you can do is try to suffer through the pain and not follow up with your doctor.

A related issue is talking to your doctor, in detail, about how you were injured. If you don?t explain what you do at work (heavy lifting, for example), they aren?t going to be able to connect the dots and realize that you have a work injury. Again, their opinion on how you were injured is essential to the success of your case. The insurance company would love to argue that your injury was caused by skiing on the weekends and not your job duties.

Another key is respecting your pain. Follow your doctor?s orders and obey any restrictions. Don?t push yourself at work or at home on the weekends. Some insurance companies hire private investigators to follow injured workers and catch them doing something they claimed they couldn?t do. Even honest people get caught in this trap because they push themselves to do things despite the pain. Your daily activities need to be consistent with what you?re claiming. Be honest about your pain, and make sure to act accordingly, even when you?re off duty.

Because pain is subjective, you have to work hard and be careful when proving it. If you fail to get a solid medical opinion or get caught doing something that would indicate you?re not actually in pain, you could lose your case. Your credibility is extremely important in a work injury case, especially if your case ends up before an arbitrator.

We are workers' compensation attorneys who help people with Illinois work injuries anywhere in IL via our statewide network of attorneys.?Contact us?and we will answer your questions or find the right lawyer for your situation.



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Robb Wolf - Testimonial - Escaping The Fat Genes

Monday, November 26th, 2012

Written by: Alex Peterson

?The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. ?Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.?
-George Bernard Shaw,?Maxims for Revolutionists

From where I started, where I am now, and what I?ve learned along the way. ?Writing about myself has always been difficult, as I?ve always been an advocate of humility. ?But with that said, I?ll do my best to bypass the boring parts and make this a somewhat entertaining read. ?I?ll attempt to shed some light on my diet and training history in an effort to give you a small taste of the haphazard philosophizing I partake in. ?Please forgive any mindless ranting.

I thought I had rid the Earth of such pictures but fortunately for hilarity?s sake this one survived.? That?s this guy?in all his glory at 12 or something like that, I can?t even say exactly when. ?For a long time I thought I couldn?t escape the ?fat genes? no matter what I did. So much for that.

Fast-forward to high-school. ?Grew a foot after freshman year and came out of total hopelessness. ?I won?t go as far as to say I was a good athlete in high school, but I was respectable in the sports I played. ?I did a little bit of lifting here and there but I never had an organized program or any legitimate goals. ?In retrospect I was downright weak for my size and overall still pretty chubby. ?Seems like despite constant involvement in athletics I just couldn?t escape the fat genes.

Now on to college where I went on to play baseball my first two years while living in the dorms. ?I remember thinking how it was such a blessing to have the cafeteria conveniently located in the same building where I roomed. ?Luck of the draw right? ?I remember strength testing in the fall, and not being able to complete a single pullup or dip. ?Despite year-round baseball I miraculously managed to put on 10 pounds. ?Not a good 10 pounds. ?I guess all-you-can-eat cafeteria food combined with copious amounts of booze is a bad idea for those looking to get in shape? ?Who?d have thought. ?Freshman beware

A few years into college experience, I was home stuffing my face with all the delicacies that accompany Christmas dinner when my cousin introduced me to crossfit and the paleo diet. ?I didn?t necessarily implement either of these right away, but it did make me think about the way I was approaching my health and fitness. ?I got back to school, and decided to get serious about losing weight and getting in shape. ?Over the next 4 months I proceeded to lose 15 pounds. ?How did I do this you might ask?!? ?By joining the fanny-pack toting crowd and pushing myself to damn near rhabdomyolysis with a steady combination of the following factors:

Training: Bicep curls, leg-presses, plus whatever the hell else I felt like doing 5 days a week. ?Oh and don?t forget the steady-state cardio that?s ?essential? for proper cardiovascular health and fat-loss.
Diet: Steep Calorie-Restriction, 5-6 small meals a day, and protein shakes

I somehow lost the weight, but it was an experience I?d rather forget. ?I constantly suffered from overtraining and all of the negative side-effects associated with it. ?I barely had the energy to get through the day, let alone exercise, and I was constantly prone to binge-eating. ?Ah good times with entire boxes of cereal.? I felt like shit, but hey, I looked good! ?I became obsessed with losing ?the last 5 pounds? which was the bane of my existence. ?I drove myself into further calorie restriction and pushed myself even more, despite my body screaming at me for a break. ?Eventually, I did break. ?I felt weak and defeated. ?I most likely had the testosterone levels of a Ken doll. ?It was time for a change in thinking.

Enter the Paleo phenomenon. ?I began to pay strict attention to my nutrition in combination with a 3 day strength program involving compound movements with heavy squatting, pressing, and pulling. ?I quit counting calories, balancing macronutrients, and timing my meals. ?I ate when I was hungry and until I was full regardless of how many meals that entailed. ?In fact, most days I ended up eating 2-3 meals because I was rarely hungry, yet I seemed to have endless energy. ?The result? ?An added 15 lbs of muscle mass and a significant improvement in body composition in 4 short months. ?I?ve since added ten more pounds to that, which I?ve maintained effortlessly. ?As a result the kid who couldn?t complete a single dip or pullup now has some pretty solid strength numbers:

  • 37 bodyweight dips
  • 16 strict pull-ups
  • A 1270 Crossfit Football total
  • 6?2?? 210 pounds

Robb and others in the Paleo community helped develop my unquenchable thirst for knowledge regarding nutrition and fitness.? I can?t thank them enough for all that they do.? Their dedication has inspired me to help others have the same success I?ve had by focusing on nutrition and performance.? Nothing gives me more satisfaction than helping others reach their performance goals.? I only hope that I can give as much back to the paleo community as it?s given me.? You can check out the website I started at:

I know I?ve beaten this dead horse, but I?ll say it again.? The best advice I can give to anyone looking to improve their body composition is to focus on performance.? For a long time I was obsessed with aesthetics.? It was an infuriatingly unsuccessful period in my training, and in the end it just created additional stress. Develop some solid performance goals and the rest will fall in place.

Alex Peterson



About Christopher

Christopher Williams (a.k.a. Squatchy) is a paleo aficionado, educator, personal trainer, wellness coach, and hobbyist chef. He also works as part of the Robb Wolf team.

Sarah Fragoso

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Stocks open lower on new fiscal cliff warnings

3 hrs.

The stock market edged lower Monday morning, pulled down by old worries about the debt crisis in Europe and a political standoff over taxes and spending in the U.S.?

In early trading, the Dow Jones industrial average was down 66 points at 12,945. The Standard & Poor's 500 was down 6 to 1,403. The Nasdaq composite index slipped less than a point, to 2,966.?

Monday was the first trading day after the beginning of the holiday shopping season, a crucial time for retailers that rely on Christmas shopping to make up for shortfalls during the rest of the year. But the impact of Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday and the rest of the weekend was hard to read.?

The National Retail Federation reported that 247 million shoppers visited stores and shopping websites during the Thanksgiving holiday, up 9 percent from a year ago. They spent an average of $423, up 6 percent.?

Still, retailers worry that the momentum won't last. Retailers like Macy's, Target and Saks were down in early trading.?

One major reason is the overhang of the "fiscal cliff." That's when both higher taxes and cuts to government programs, like unemployment benefits and Social Security, will kick in at the end of the year unless Congress and the White House work out a compromise before then.?

A government report released Monday warned that a sudden increase in taxes would result in lower consumer spending next year, and some analysts wondered if the concerns about what could happen might crimp spending throughout the rest of the holiday season.?

The report, by President Barack Obama's National Economic Council and his Council of Economic Advisers, estimated that a married couple earning between $50,000 and $85,000 with two children would see a $2,200 increase in their taxes.?

The White House wants to raise some taxes, but key business groups have protested vehemently. The homebuilding industry says it won't stand for even small cuts to the mortgage interest deduction, a tax break that's meant to encourage homeownership. AARP has publicly lobbied against cuts to Medicare and Social Security.?

To be sure, the fiscal cliff fighting could be mostly grandstanding for lawmakers. Lawmakers often fight over budget issues until the dramatic 11th hour, then work out a compromise at the last moment.?

Overall, Monday morning was quiet, with no major economic reports due in the U.S. and no major companies scheduled to make big announcements. In Europe, leaders of European Union countries tried to hammer out a deal to lend more money to debt-crippled Greece, but many analysts have come to view that as another tired theme that has already been baked into the markets.?

Count David Kelly, chief global strategist at JPMorgan Funds, among the underwhelmed.?

"The themes seem about as recycled as Thanksgiving turkey," Kelly wrote in a note to clients, referring to the fiscal cliff and the European debt crisis. He expected a better read on the economy later this week, with reports on consumer confidence on Tuesday, and unemployment claims and third-quarter economic growth on Thursday.?

Sam Stovall, chief equity strategist at S&P Capital IQ, was similarly unmoved. "Most of these uncertainties have been with us for quite some time," he wrote in a note, "and are now regarded by many as annoyances to resolve rather than obstacles to fear."?

Overall, the U.S. economy has been hard to read. For every sign that it is improving, there's another that indicates it's not. The market jumped 421 points last week, one of the best weeks of the year. It was down for four straight weeks beforehand.?

Stocks opened the trading day lower?as investors?returned to the market after a holiday-shortened trading week, focused on the meeting of euro zone finance ministers on Greece and negotiations over the U.S. fiscal cliff.

The fiscal cliff concerns?dampened what had been a huge weekend for retailers.?

The Dow Jones industrial average fell 85 points to 12,925 shortly after the opening bell Monday.?

The Standard & Poor's 500 index lost eight points to 1,401 and the Nasdaq composite was also off eight points at 2,959.?

Shoppers flooded stores in record numbers over the weekend, according to the National Retail Federation. The organization said 247 million shoppers visited stores and shopping websites during the Thanksgiving holiday, up 9.2 percent from last year.?

On Monday, however, the National Economic Council and the Council of Economic Advisers said that a sudden increase in taxes for middle-income taxpayers could reduce consumer spending next year by nearly $200 billion.?

Euro zone finance ministers and the International Monetary Fund will seek to unfreeze the second bailout package for Greece on Monday, but they first need to agree if some of the official loans to Athens might eventually be forgiven to cut Greek debt.?

U.S. lawmakers have made little progress in the past 10 days toward a compromise to avoid the harsh tax increases and government spending cuts scheduled to start taking effect on January 1, a senior Democratic senator said on Sunday.?

"On the most pressing issue for the markets into year end, that of the tax and spending issues in the U.S., the Sunday morning talk shows didn't reveal that we're on the cusp of a deal as more horse trading will go on in the weeks to come," said Peter Boocvkar, managing director at Miller Tabak & Co in New York.?

U.S. shoppers went to stores earlier this Thanksgiving weekend and bought online more than in years past, giving retailers a strong start to the holiday shopping season, data showed on Sunday. Total spending for the long weekend rose to $59.1 billion, up 12.8 percent from last year, according to the National Retail Federation.?

Black Friday's online sales topped $1 billion for the first time ever as more consumers used the Internet do their early holiday shopping, comScore said on Sunday.?


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Monday, November 26, 2012

Comments - Business Directory listings

Trading and advertising always go together in reality and on the Internet. Different elements are involved in this endeavor, such as promotional strategy, research of the market as well as constructing its environment. It is very imperative to know the tools and techniques applied in undertaking internet marketing so as to grow your target clientele.

Once a product is formed, there is need for offering it to important buyers. This is where the online market for such items should be accorded correct consideration. Online marketing alludes to the process concerned in promoting presence of a fixed establishment online, using diverse tools, which could either be free or paid.

Such initiative addresses questions raised online related to your business. It also deals with individuals fascinated by promoting your site on the Net simply to generate further interest in what you make offers to online users. Reaching your market via the Web is a crucial undertaking that leads to expansion of the commercial entity under promotion.

This aspect is among factors most vital in the planning system of a business enterprise. Top search engines today, as well as leading social networks, determine basic standards applied to develop web-based promoting. There are in depth changes that outlets of social media utilise in this regard , which require prompt replies for executing diverse e-campaigns.

Free internet marketing implies advertising carried out without charge. These include SEO, placing advertisements free in directory reports, forging renown thru social marketing sites and forum collusion. Each way among these is great resource of Web promotion for any commercial entity.

Promoting your items of trade online has potential to save up enormous proportion of fiscal resources. This initiative might nevertheless take a substantial while to manifest discernible results. So as to expedite attainment of tangible results, there's need to speculate in software that's efficient.

Paid advertising done online delivers instant result and helps you to push your business wares within a specific niche of interest. Such undertaking provides inducement for reaching the clients you target with ease. It also secures support services that are pro in approach.

In addition, you gain wide-reaching promotion before numerous potential clients, who now can scan the pages most well-liked online. All this is dependent upon how much you are prepared to invest to market your business entity online. Whichever the amount is spent on this enterprise, paid adverting does turn out to be a worthy effort if skilled service supplier is employed.

Whether taking Web promotion support which is free or charged, make absolutely sure to try intensive research of the niche you target. Get to grasp how clients behave to your line of services and analyze the approach utilised by competitors in this field. You can choose to combine both these initiatives in the efforts to optimise on sales for your business enterprise. Seek advice from family and other trusted sources on convincing web marketing service suppliers. for all of your SEO and Online Marketing requirements. Aiming to increase your companies revenue? Phone us.


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