Sunday, January 13, 2013

Just About Games (New Online Gaming Society) - Beasts of War

Hi All,

Just a small introduction on this site, We are J.A.G or Just About Games, sponsered by Table Top Nation. We are an online gaming community to encourage discussion of gaming on tabletops of any shape form or fashion. Hopefully this will also lead to members arranging to meet in their local clubs and TTN to play some games thus spreading the word more. I encourage you all to take a look at our site and sign up to our forum. We have a committee of four that are happy to help you.

Jon McDonald = Chairman (Forum Name: Jonald)
Steve August = Vice Chair (Forum Name: Canada Steve)
Martin Lee = Minister of Propaganda (Forum Name: Doc Martin)
Brian Block = Secretary (Forum Name: Blocky)

Please do take the time to have a look our site and sign up:

For those Facebook users out there please ?like? our page: JustAboutGames and for Twitter Users: @justaboutgames

Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Have a Nice Day :)

Chairman of J.A.G (Just About Games)

?You have enemies? Good. That means you?ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.?
Winston Churchill


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