Thursday, January 31, 2013

What you should integrate into your Mobile Marketing Strategy.

TextSprout Mobile Marketing Blog: What you should integrate into your Mobile Marketing Strategy.

What you should integrate into your Mobile Marketing Strategy.

In the 1990?s, as the Internet was beginning to take shape and grow, a lot of businesses started to test online marketing.? They bought banner ads, created websites and put the address of their website on their business cards. This, for many, was their ?online marketing strategy? and in a word it was indistinct. The problem, many soon realized, was that a website and some banner ads does not a marketing strategy make, and this is the same thing that many businesses today are starting to realize with mobile marketing. What business owners realized back then was that the real power of any marketing tool is how it integrates with all of their other marketing channels.? With mobile marketing business owners now have a powerful tool that can do just that and integrate extremely well into their marketing strategy. The simple fact is that mobile on its own can bring in some customers and revenue but, just like internet marketing, ?it works well as an adjunct to other marketing channels that are already in use, supporting those channels and being a sort of ?ambassador? to the brand.? Not only can mobile be integrated almost seamlessly into practically any marketing plan it can also add a powerful call-to-action to just about any scheme and can be tied to analytics that will help steer upcoming marketing decisions and campaigns. If you?re interested in using mobile (and you should be) looking at techniques or distribution mediums is not your first step.? No, first and foremost you should take a long, hard look at where you currently put your advertising budget to work and what the results are. No matter what you?re doing, from TV to billboards, radio and print, analyze where mobile fits in and can be used with the greatest chance for success. A mobile website is almost a no-brainer for example. Just as a website was the de-rigeur tool back then a mobile optimized website is now. Sending your customers to your regular website when they?re using their mobile devices like smart phones and tablets is like asking them to buy a TV that isn?t flat; it?s not going to make them very happy and they?re going to walk away thinking you?re a fool. If you were in business in the 90?s think about how you integrated the internet into your marketing plans and try to do the same now for mobile.? SMS text marketing, QR codes, mobile coupons, mobile apps and so forth are the tools of the new marketing age.? Incorporate them into your overall marketing scheme and they?ll work for you the way a well-made website used to years ago, only better.


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