Friday, January 25, 2013

What is a good workout routine to build muscle faster? | Fitness and ...

I need a routine that i can do at home to build my muscle fast. I have a dumbells a barbell and a workout bench.

"Routines" are not what you need: you just have to approach this from the right angles, and do this consistently: if you slip up too often you will not make good gains.

1) Do intense exercise sessions for each muscle or muscle group, only twice per week ? not more. You have to give your muscles time to recover properly between sessions, or they will become over-worked and start hurting, and your results will be poor overall.

2) STRETCH properly at 4 times: 1) after a warm-up, before your full-out exercise session, 2) right after your session, 3) gently, before going to bed, and 4) whenever your muscles feel tight. Relaxed muscles recover faster, don?t hurt nearly as much as they would if tight, and don?t get injured as easily as tight muscles do. Have someone show you the proper stretching exercises for legs ? a gym teacher or a coach: someone who knows how to do it properly. Always remember 3 things when stretching, however: 1) Slow and easy does it ? don?t force anything. 2) Stretching should NOT hurt. If it hurts, back off a bit. and 3) Hold the maximum pain-free extension for at least 30 seconds: any less and you are not getting much benefit from the stretch. // Repeat each stretch a couple of times.

3) Mix up your exercise routines ? this is called the "muscle confusion" technique. Do different exercises every couple of months, instead of sticking with a single set of exercises for long periods of time.

4) You must always "overload" your muscles: In order to build new muscle tissue, you must overload the muscle and force it to adapt to the new stresses you have put on it. Training with the same routine and weights does not accomplish this. Make sure to incorporate things like supersets, dropsets, and 5?5 training techniques (you can look these up on the internet. Make sure you go to "failure" each time, but also make sure you do each rep with excellent form: poor form is a recipe for injury and poor gains!! For bulk, use longer sets and less weight than you would use for strength training.

5) Get enough sleep!!! When you are sleeping, your body produces "growth hormone", which is necessary for muscle growth and recovery. If you don?t get enough sleep, your recovery times will be longer and less complete.

6) Drink enough water!! Forget formulas like "8 cups a day" or any such nonsense: the best way to tell if you are getting enough water, is the color of your pee: it should be quite pale. If it is yellow, you are not drinking enough ? case closed. (if it is red, you?ve been eating beets, lol!). Water is very important for both energy during exercise, and for recovery.

7) Eat a good, nutritious diet ? scrap the junk food, stay away from stuff with white flour or sugar in it, eat lots of fruits and especially veggies (dark green veggies are dyno ? mite!!), get good variety in your diet, and aim for about 1,5 to at the **most** 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

8) Stay away from drugs, including and especially alcohol and tobacco. They will hold you back by damaging your health ? and alcohol will increase your estrogen levels, which is NOT a good thing for a guy!!

I may be missing some details, but those are the basics!! All the Best to you.
Study and application for many years.

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