Saturday, August 4, 2012

Divorced. 6 months from Dday to Divorce. Should I be over it?

Old Yesterday, 07:48 PM ? #4 (permalink)



Join Date: Oct 2011

Posts: 212

Him introducing his affair partner to his family as his new girlfriend should tell you all you need to know about him and his character. If his family raises no objections to having the woman that broke up your marriage over at their house for food/drink, then they are just as dysfunctional as he is, and you do not need them in your life.

He is a d-bag, and as others have mentioned, you should do your best to put some literal and figurative distance between you two. Now is a perfect time to start a challenging new hobby or activity. Do something completely out of your comfort zone. Learn to salsa dance, or something like that. Go sky diving. Learn to play poker or chess.

Hang in there, things will get better, and your life will improve without his dysfunction pulling you down.

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