Saturday, November 3, 2012

Goodyear settles suit alleging disability bias in Fayetteville ...

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. has paid $20,000 to a former employee at its factory in Fayetteville who claims she was fired because of a medical condition.

Alisha Adams applied for a tire builder position at the plant in Octo??ber 2007. Goodyear offered her a job pending a company physical examination. During the exam, she revealed that she suffered from menorrhagia, a bleeding disorder associated with her menstrual cycle. Goodyear re??quired her to obtain two medical clearances allowing her to work. She did so and began work in January 2008.

Three weeks after her start date, Adams claims she told her supervisor about her condition and was immediately fired.

She filed an EEOC disability discrimination complaint. Mediation efforts were unsuccessful, and Adams? lawsuit was headed to court. That?s when Goodyear decided to settle.

In addition to the money, Adams got her job back, too.

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