Saturday, November 3, 2012

Mentally Disabled Woman's Caregiver Wants Forced Abortion ...

by Paul Turner | Reno, NV | | 11/2/12 11:43?AM

A Nevada state employee who says he?s worked for years with a preg?nant, devel?op?men?tally dis?abled woman says she needs to be allowed to abort her baby so her rights can be pro?tected.? A court is try?ing to force the issue against the wishes of her adop?tive parents.

Allen White?nack is listed on the Nevada Depart?ment of Health and Human Ser?vices web?site as an admin?is?tra?tive assis?tant with the State Health Division.

In response to a post?ing of the ear?lier arti?cle about Elisa Bauer and her baby on the Reno Gazette-Journal Face?book page, White?nack said he had spent ?count?less hours? with Elisa and did not believe she was capa?ble of tak?ing care of a baby, and would fight for her right and that of the devel?op?men?tally dis?abled to ?have a choice in their life [sic].?? He also dis?missed sev?eral offers by cou?ples want?ing to adopt Elisa?s baby as mak?ing Elisa ?a sur?ro?gate for rich white people.?

White?nack called for those who set up a Face?book page sup?port?ing Elisa and her baby to delete it, and asked why they weren?t fight?ing for equal?ity for all peo?ple, not just unborn chil?dren.? See all of Whitenack?s com?ments here (warn?ing: language).

Accord?ing to court doc?u?ments from Elisa Bauer?s neu?rol?o?gist Dr. William Torch, Elisa ?stated that she did not want to have the baby? and ?she wanted to be taken to the Emer?gency Room to ?take the baby out.?? Her par?ents dis?pute these and many other find?ings in Dr. Torch?s report to Washoe County Fam?ily Court Judge Egan Walker, dated Octo?ber 8, 2012.? They also claim the court has vio?lated due process in the?case.

Rev?erend William Bauer and his wife Amy, of Fern?ley, Nevada, adopted Elisa from Costa Rica in 1992 at age 12, along with her five sib?lings.? Now 32, she has the men?tal and social capac?ity of a 6-year-old.? Elisa lives in a home for those with devel?op?men?tal dis?abil?i?ties, and has a his?tory of flee?ing the home for sex?ual encoun?ters which may or may not have been con?sen?sual. The iden?tity of the father is unknown.

William Bauer says after Dr. Torch informed Judge Walker of Elisa?s preg?nancy via Washoe County Adult Pro?tec?tive Ser?vices, he and Amy were called into court because the court wanted to ?pro?tect his daughter?s rights.?? Then, Bauer adds that Walker quickly told them, ?Your deeply held reli?gious beliefs are irrel?e?vant.?? Bauer is the rec?tor of St. Columba?s Tra?di?tional Angli?can Church in Fern?ley, which recently suf?fered a?fire.

The court has appointed two guardians ad litem for Elisa, both of whom say she is inca?pable of mak?ing deci?sions about her health.? Bauer believes the court regards him and Amy as neg?li?gent for let?ting Elisa get preg?nant, and unless they do what it wants, they may lose their guardianship.

Dr. Torch also cites Elisa?s his?tory of seizures, med?ica?tions to treat them, and her obe?sity as jus?ti?fi?ca?tions for pos?si?ble abor?tion and ster?il?iza?tion.? Bauer says Elisa has been seizure-free for eight years, and the med?ica?tions aren?t a dan?ger.? A Reno OB-GYN and four OB-GYN?s from Penn?syl?va?nia con?cur in let?ters to Bauer, and add that he and Amy were wise to have Elisa stop tak?ing the con?tra?cep?tive Depo-Provera because it con?tributed to her obesity.

Dr. Torch could not be reached for com?ment.? He was sup?posed to appear in court Thurs?day for a hear?ing in which the Bauers? pro bono attor?neys from the Alliance Defense Fund would cross-examine him, but his office man?ager says Torch was stranded in New York City fol?low?ing Hur?ri?cane Sandy. Another hear?ing is sched?uled for next?week.



A phone call to Washoe County Adult Pro?tec?tive Ser?vices was not returned.

Even?tu?ally, the Bauers? attor?neys expect to take Elisa?s case to the Nevada Supreme Court.

Life?News Note: Paul Turner is a Sparks, Nevada free-lance writer, a media coor?di?na?tor for 40 Days For Life Reno-Tahoe, and a 10-year vet?eran of radio news, last work?ing for News Talk 780 KOH in?Reno.

Arti?cle source:

Tags: Christian, Political, Prolife


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