Monday, November 5, 2012

Product Review Triad Toys Sienna Alpha Body UnderCovert Outfit ...

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I actually started getting these Triad Toys items a year ago with the last item received just before our July move. Finally found time to unpack them from the moving boxes and do this.

The UnderCovert outfit comes with a jacket, a wraparound top with velcro back, hip hugger pants with velcro zipper, with a pair of boots with integrated foot/ball socket. Closeup is of the wraparound top with see-through front.

The Alpha Body, caucasian skin, small-chested version

The Sienna headsculpt
Same headsculpt as the blonde Amber and brunette Saffron, but Sienna uses the auburn/red hair.

Fitting the UnderCovert outfit to the Alpha Body
Relatively good fit. There's more play on the wraparound in case it needs to be fitted on a bigger chested fem fig. The jacket blouse lapels splay open so I have to push them flat down again. The fig's belly is shown because of the short height wraparound and the hip hugger pants. You will have to take the feet with their ball sockets out in order to put the boots on.

Sienna headsculpt closeups
It's great quality rooted hair and she comes with lots of it.

Everything together, out of the box

The figure is relatively stiff out of the box. And the right side more so than the left side. Maybe it'll be more flexible after more time posing the figure but the right arm, right hand, and right leg popped off as I was doing the posing. Part of the stiffness may have been from the outfit as well. The appendages were easily popped back in.

UnderCovert outfit on other figs
Just wanted to see how well it fit with the other bodies. The first pic below is a BBi large-chested fig with DML headsculpt. The wraparound couldn't close in the back and the pants were a tighter fit than with the Alpha. The second pic is a DML flexible, seamless body and the fit was better there.

Good value for the money for all three items reviewed
Set expectations that you might run into the stiffness of the figure's articulation, at least out of the box. And the main joints pop out if you overextend the appendages or if you're overmanipulating the figure when doing extreme poses.
The outfit's nice but perhaps stronger velcro to help keep the overwrap and pants together better. You'll see in the filtered photos below that I covered the pants with a belt but it was pretty much "unzipped" the whole time I was posing the figure. The outfits work, for the most part, with other manufacturer bodies, but fits best with Triad's (of course).
The headsculpt in white light seems a little harsh-looking at first with a sharp jawline. I thought the advertised photos may have been doctored but she really is beautiful-looking in photos, very photogenic features. I'm sure the customizers who do the face repaints will have a great time with her face and face-shape.
Overall, I recommend all three items if you're looking to add to your collection of action-oriented femme figures, especially with a secret agent or action-adventure movie look. As long as you're aware of the things mentioned above and can work around them, then thumbs up!

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Re: Triad Toys Sienna Alpha Body UnderCovert Outfit Review

I was seriously thinking about getting this outfit, but after seeing in hand pictures I will pass....not really crazy about Triad head sculpts, but I do love the Alpha bodies, especially the large bust, my body of choice. I have been putting it off, but I am about to order the Barb Wire figure, I will replace the head with a knock off of Hot Toys Baby Doll....I think it will be a great figure then. I bought three of the new head sculpts of Triad, but eventually replaced all three. I don't know what it is about their sculpts but they don't appeal to me....(maybe I will make them villians)I do like the pictures I have seen of a new head sculpt the one name Michelle, I just hope it looks like the prototype, if it doesn't I am through with Triad as far as head-sculpt s are concerned.

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Re: Triad Toys Sienna Alpha Body UnderCovert Outfit Review

Good review, thanks.

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Re: Triad Toys Sienna Alpha Body UnderCovert Outfit Review

Good review, Romeo. Thanks brotha.

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Re: Triad Toys Sienna Alpha Body UnderCovert Outfit Review

Probably as close to Summer Glau as Cameron as one is likely to get.


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Re: Triad Toys Sienna Alpha Body UnderCovert Outfit Review

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