Saturday, July 21, 2012

How To Earn Money Very Fast With Your New Product


Yes, there are literally thousands of?ways to make money?fast but all these methods require a lot of investment in terms of time and effort. Personally speaking, if an investment does not start to rake in profits by the third month, then it most probably will never rise up to give you six figures. So, what exactly can you do to get a high income with the least investment and efforts.

Make your own product!

The secret on how to make money fast is generating a product that can either develop a simple product such as an e-book, ?Guide to the Best restaurants in Michigan? or design a program for your chosen niche (a simple equalizer for iOS works just as well as a Photoshop application. So don?t overdo it). Once again, the easy way out is to write an e-book. These e-books need not to be world-class, neither do they have to talk original. Contrary to what?internet marketing?gurus might say, writing an e-book is much easier than you think.

An e-book should tell the reader everything about the topic in a clear, concise and meaningful manner. How hard can it be to find information regarding a niche that you have selected? Actually, it?s quite hard to dig out original info to use for an e-book. Either you take a couple of months off and create such e-books out of sheer persistence or you get a writer to do the job for you. This is the shorter route but it will be costlier in the long run and has the danger of falling much below your quality levels.

After you?re done creating your product, be it an e-book or a program, it?s time to start looking at potential customers. If it?s your very first e-book, try not to sell it directly as people tend to distrust those whom they do not know yet. Give it for free in exchange for their email address, and start building up a list. This is without a doubt the most important part of how to make money fast. In fact, if one does not build rapport at this stage, then chances are that the customers will never even read the darn e-book.

There are many places where one can start building up their list. Forums, blogs and social media are just a few of the easiest places to broadcast your product and gather some followers. Being an authority figure always helps but you need not be respected to spread information around, especially if you can get someone else with a good reputation to market your product.

The final stage is to wait and see how your product is received before setting out on making more products to market to new customers whom you can then start charging for extra goodies- if they like your previous item. It?s from the second or third product onwards that the money will start pouring in (while you spend time developing a new product, marketing a couple of products for other entrepreneurs to earn some commission money).

Source: The Guardian (Nigeria)


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