Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How to Use Feng Shui without Making Your Space Look Like a ...

feng shui, home decor, de-clutter

I?m sure you?ve seen it.

You show up at your friend?s house one day and notice she?s been toying with feng shui.

You can?t help but notice.

There are wind chimes hanging in corners where the wind will never blow.

There are certain stones in specific numbers laid out in obscure places.

These, you?re told, are her lucky number combinations.

And, you might even notice little Chinese deities ?guarding? certain zones of her home.

While any effort to increase the serenity of one?s home should be applauded, some people miss the point when it comes to feng shui.

Feng shui should never be obvious.

In fact, you should see no evidence of it.

Feng shui is subtle.

It works with the specific energies of the location and the occupants in a space.

It?s how a space feels, not how it?s adorned.

It?s kind of like meeting someone for the first time.

No matter how many sparkles they?re wearing ? name brand clothing, jewels, perfume ? you can still feel their true essence.

If they?re not great people to begin with, the number of sparkles they have on won?t matter.

They still are who they are.

That?s how spaces are too.

The only way to improve the feng shui of your home is through clarity.

That means the work is as much on yourself as it is on the space you want to enhance.

Anything else is a quick fix that just won?t last.

Let me explain it this way.

When you are really clear about what it is you want to manifest in your life, the way you enhance your home becomes a natural reflection of that.

For example, if you want more abundance in your life, you won?t need to ?borrow? things that represent abundance in another culture (like placing 4 rocks in your wealth corner).

It?s much more effective, and more meaningful to you, if you place things around you that reflect your own true source of abundance.

That might be photos of you during high points of your life.

Or objects that remind you of your goals, or whatever you are trying to achieve.

I have a friend who wants to lose weight and improve her eating habits.

She placed bowls of fruit around her kitchen. She replaced the ?It?s Time for Chocolate Bliss? painting hanging in her kitchen, with photos of fresh vegetables.

These reminders of what she is trying to achieve with her health are much more effective than hanging wind chimes over her stove.

I just cringe when I see red lanterns hanging from someone?s front porch, unless of course, that person is actually from a culture that uses red lanterns at the entrance of a home.

The point is to be real.

Be true to yourself.

Take the time to discover what is meaningful to you.

The way to do that is by gaining clarity about what you really want in life.

When you have clarity about yourself, the feng shui of your spaces will reflect that.

Have you ever tried some feng shui quick fixes? Let me know in the comments below.






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