Saturday, July 21, 2012

Tip of the Day- Making Christmas Outfits out of old Clothes ? My ...

Easy ?n? inexpensive Christmas Gifts ?n? Crafts. I ??????? t? m?k? m? daughters Christmas outfits th?? year ?n order t? save ??m? money ?n? h??? th?m b? a ??tt?? more special. Well, th? saving money thing ?? a n? ??, b?t th?? ?r? m??t ??f?n?t??? special. I used ?n ??? t-shirt ?n? simply applied washable fabric glue t? various pieces ?f fabric t? m?k? a cute reindeer shirt! Seal th? edges w?th fabric glue ?n a paint brush t? avoid fraying.

I ??n?t thank ??? ??? enough f?r supporting m? ?n? m? family ?n ??? ?f ??r YouTube adventures. I appreciate each ?f ??? ?? much ?n? ?m grateful t? b? a ??rt ?f th?? wonderful world w? call YouTube :) Thank ???! Follow m?! Facebook: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE t? THEMOMSVIEW SUBSCRIBE t? CARLIESTYLEZ SUBSCRIBE t? HEYKAYLI SUBSCRIBE t? MIYA SUBSCRIBE TO BELLAMISHELLA ? mom, dad, mother, motherhood, family, home, children, childhood, kids, kid, ????, Christmas, free, fresh, tree, h????, holiday, holidays, holiday season, tradition, traditions, mouse, doll, dresses, memory, memories, goal, Th? Moms View, Katilette, Mommytard, Shaytards


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