Monday, July 23, 2012

ZCorum Introduces Broadband Policy Enforcer at The Independent ...

Orlando, FL (PRWEB) July 23, 2012

ZCorum announced at The Independent Show today a new tool for service providers to help them cope with the ever increasing thirst for bandwidth from their subscribers, many of whom are making increased use of high bitrate applications like video streaming.

Cable providers have been toying with the idea of implementing usage limits for some time to try to get better control over their bandwidth costs, especially as some subscribers cut the video cord and start consuming all of their video over-the-top (OTT) via their broadband connection. Its a growing problem for broadband service providers, said Scott Helms, Vice President of Technology for ZCorum. Its getting harder to operate profitably with an all-you-can-eat pricing model, and its not really fair to raise the price for all subscribers when there is a subset of customers using much more than the average. According to Helms, the big change providers have seen in the last few years is the increase in video streaming. Its not just email and static Web pages, or a few YouTube clips and Facebook videos these days. More customers are now going over-the-top to watch full-length TV shows and movies in HD, and its getting easier all the time for the average user to stream that content to right to the big-screen in their living room.

ZCorums Broadband Policy Enforcer (BPE) enables providers to communicate with their subscribers and automatically enforce usage limits. One of the things you want to make sure you do if you implement a usage cap is notify the customer when they get close to their limit, said Arthur Skinner, Vice President of Sales at ZCorum. Our BPE product automatically alerts the subscriber via a Web page when they approach the usage limit for their specific plan. The customer will see information regarding the threshold reached, and they have to acknowledge the notification before they can continue on the Web.

In addition to notifying customers, Skinner said that BPE can be used to take further action when usage limits are exceeded, and is also useful for enforcing other broadband policies. If a customer exceeds the usage allowed in their plan, BPE can automatically slow the connection speed down until the end of the month, or even restrict access completely. Also, if a customer hasnt paid, or has been identified for some type of network abuse, they can place the customer on hold, and BPE will notify the user of the issue and what they need to do to reinstate their service.

ZCorum will be in booth number 102 at the Independent Show, where they will be highlighting services like BPE, as well as TruVizion, their popular cable modem and CMTS diagnostics software.

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About ZCorum

ZCorum provides broadband Internet and communication solutions to telcos, cable companies, utilities, and municipalities, assisting in all facets of broadband implementation, integration, engineering and consulting, network monitoring and diagnostics. ZCorum also offers wholesale, private-labeled Internet services, including data and VoIP provisioning, email, broadband policy enforcement, Web hosting, and 24?7 support for end-users, enabling service providers to compete effectively in their local rural and suburban markets. ZCorum is headquartered in Alpharetta, GA. For more information, please visit

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