Friday, July 20, 2012

Rush Limbaugh: Batman is like Mitt Romney

Ron Phillips / AP

Christian Bale plays Batman in "The Dark Knight Rises."

By Gael Fashingbauer Cooper

First, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh said that the name of the villain in "The Dark Knight Rises" was a dig at GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney. And now, Limbaugh has said that billionaire Bruce Wayne is similar to Romney.

"I even said yesterday, at the end of my whole Batman discussion, that Batman is more like Romney," Limbaugh said on Wednesday, according to the New York Daily News. "Made the point that ... the rich wealthy hero in the Batman movie is more like Romney and that the Bane guy seems more like an Occupy Wall Street guy."

Limbaugh's got a point in that Wayne definitely has the wealth to go toe-to-toe with wealthy Romney in financial circles. And teasers for "Dark Knight Rises" show Anne Hathaway's Selina Kyle/Catwoman spouting some very Occupy Wall Street-like sentiments.

While dancing with Wayne, Catwoman whispers in his ear, "There's a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches. 'Cause when it hits, you and your friends are gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us."

Earlier, Limbaugh had said that the fact that the movie's villain was named Bane was somehow tied to the fact that Romney once headed up financial services firm Bain Capital. Bane the villain was introduced in comic books in 1993, before Romney was nationally known.

On Wednesday, Limbaugh said that he had received more?reaction?to his?Bane/Bain comments than on anything he's said on-air before, including his controversial comments about Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke. Limbaugh called Fluke a "slut" for testifying about insurance coverage of contraception. President Barack Obama later called Fluke?with words of?support.

"More people are concerned about whatever I might have said or didn't say about a Batman villain than they are about their own jobs," Limbaugh said, according to the Daily News.

"Dark Knight Rises" director Christopher Nolan called Limbaugh's Bain/Bane comments "peculiar," and Bane co-creator Doug Moench told the Daily News that "None of us thought about Mitt Romney or Bain Capital, trust me," he said. "It was 20 years ago, for Pete's sake."

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