Thursday, November 8, 2012

Blogging to Earn: The Best Ads for Your Blog | Experiments in Finance

Most people start blogging because they hope to make money online. There are a few exceptions where
people are blogging about something that truly interests them, and they are willing to let money come
later in the process. The truly successful blogs on the Internet share certain traits with each other.

The Most Successful Blogs

  1. These blogs have been on the web for a long time. They have longevity in their favor and a well-
    established group of readers who follow them.
  2. The people writing them are experts in the field of blogging.
  3. The blogs generate a lot of web traffic, thereby creating sales opportunities for them.
  4. The blogs have a business model to take advantage of their web traffic. They have something to sell.

The Exception to the Rule

There are people who are adept at building blogs and driving traffic to them in a short period of time.
These people often engage in what is known as blog flipping. They quickly develop traffic for a new
blog and sell it to someone who does not want to build a blog from the ground up. The owners of these
sites are usually signed up for an affiliate program. Here?s a briefer on affiliates.

Web Traffic

  1. Web traffic begins with great content. The new Google rules reward quality content with higher
    rankings. People return to blogs with content that offers value to them.
  2. Optimizing content for search engines with proper use and placement of keywords helps the
    rankings from search engines also.
  3. Using social media to drive traffic to a blog is essential to acquiring traffic. For example, a catchy
    tweet that links to a relevant blog post helps people on Twitter find your blog.
  4. It?s a numbers game since only a small percentage of people who visit a blog will do something that
    results in an economic gain for the blogger.

Target Audience

Google offers several free apps to install on a website that allow the owner to track the amount of
traffic they receive and where it originates. The Google Goal Flow report can segment the information
well enough to determine which part of the traffic flow results in the most sales. This data helps
website owners focus their efforts in the best direction for economic return and traffic building.

Earning Money from a Blog

  1. Affiliate programs are especially effective if they are relevant to the blog. This is why niche
    blogging is popular.
  2. Expert bloggers often receive compensation to review products relevant to their blog.
  3. High traffic blogs are able to sell advertising space on their blogs.
  4. Google Adsense is only effective on a high traffic blog, but some seem to love it anyway.
  5. A donation button has proven effective for economic gain, especially on self-development blogs.

Advertising on Blogs

CPC or cost per click advertising drives traffic to a website and the website owners pay the publisher
for every click. CPM means cost per thousand impressions and refers to the number of instances of an
ad appearing on a website. Generally, CPM seems more appropriate for websites that have popular
keywords and larger scale businesses. CPC seems more fitting for smaller scale businesses.

Text Link Ads

Link ads are slowly being phased out and will eventually disappear completely. Google is penalizing
sites that sell these types of ads and pages that are ad heavy. These link ads once made sense to lower
traffic sites as income generators, but the economic landscape on the Internet is changing in response to
new policies by Google.

Selling on Blogs

The best way to sell things on a blog are to keep it simple and just use PayPal. They provide a level of
confidence and security for consumers that smaller blogs cannot match on their own. Credit card
payments through merchant accounts is another alternative. Here?s a reason from an online merchant
account reviewer why the Internet uses Paypal and merchant accounts instead of big banks. They also
conveniently have a shopping cart application if such a thing is necessary for your blog.


Source: BetterMarchantAccounts

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