Monday, November 5, 2012

Questions that You Should Ask Your Real Estate Professional | Fort ...

By Linda Soesbe on November 4th, 2012


?????????????????????????????????Welcome, when buying a home when stationed at Fort Carson and the surrounding area of Colorado ? Springs,Colorado. If you?re like most people, buying a home will be one of the largest and biggest investment your ever make in your lifetime. From a financial standpoint, it may be a largest portion of your assets. With some individuals, it?s solely an investment, other homeowners their home is where they raise their families. But if you are like many families that we work with, it?s a place to hang your hat at the end of a long day and find peace and comfort. There is no better time to buy a home inColorado Springs. We believe in asking you questions to understand all your needs. We have helped many clients buy their past and present homes. Buying real estate successfully is a Team effort between the seller, buyer and the real estate professionals. It is important that everyone is on the same page, so before you choose the real estate professional to help you and your family, you should ask a series of qualifying questions during your first meeting. If one party has different goals than the other, chances are one side is going to be let down in the end and never find your dream home. The real estate professional that you chose should strive to make sure that they can meet your goals in finding your dream home.

Critical Questions to Ask A Real Estate ProfessionalBefore You Buy

  • ?Do you have a computerized follow-up system to?keep track the my transaction?
  • What referral networks for out-of-area and out-of-state buyers and sellers do you belong to?
  • Do you have a team in place to help you handle? the multitude of specialized details associated with each real estate?transaction?
  • Do you belong to the Multiple?Listing Service (MLS-cooperative information sharing network of REALTORS?that provide descriptions and details of the homes for sale in the area
  • Do you have a special notification system to? alert me of new homes on the market??
  • How will you help me accomplish my family?s goals?
  • Do you have a list of references to call?
  • Do you provide us with written activity report?for updates and details involved with my transaction?
  • Do you have full-time partners to assist me with my home buying on a moment?s notice?
  • Do you have full-time Buyer?s Real estate?professionals that can show me homes?
  • Do you do personal advertising to help find me?my dream home?
  • Do you have a web site that I can search all?the available homes in the area?
  • Do you have a system and give advice on how to? properly prepare offers for homes for sale?
  • How will you represent my interests?
  • Do you offer Buyer Agency?
  • Will you write an offer for me no matter what? your belief is about the house?
  • Do lenders work hard for your clients, or put?you on the back-burner because you?re hard to deal with?
  • Do you offer Full Representation, or simply transactional? representation?
  • How many years have you been selling real?estate on a full-time basis?
  • How long has your company been in business???How long have you been with the same company?
  • How long have you lived inColorado Springs?
  • What makes you different from other real estate professionals in your area?
  • Because many buyers come from out of town, does your company have national name recognition?
  • Who makes the decision of what homes we will?see? And where?
  • Will you be involved from beginning of viewing?homes to closing? Or will someone else be handling my transaction after my?contract is accepted?

We hope that this has been helpful and informative. We sincerely hope these tips and ideas are of value to you and if there is any way we can be of service please contact us? we would consider it a privilege to help you!


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